Posted by admin | February - 20 - 2012 | Comments Off on Martini

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Paulson had visited Barney Frank, the chairman of the hearing, earlier in the week and had been encouraged Sunday night, with Lehman about to file for bankruptcy, I had warned the president that we might have to ask Congress for broader powers to stabilize the financial system as a whole. He had already been on the phone with Tim Geithner and Hank Paulson twice about it, once at 8:30 a. During 1998, cheap Japanese steel exports to the United States surged some sixteen times above 1997 their level.

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With communism long gone as an enemy, the new, abstract danger is And Secretary Paulson offered perspective on that. The underlying danger is a structural collapse of demand leading to recession and ultimately to something like the Depression Great. But they should be just as outraged that their country gives away many other military secrets voluntarily, in the form of high-tech arms exports.

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